Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

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Tajikistan-Pakistan top-level meetings and negotiations

On July 2, discussion of issues of development and expansion of relations of friendship and cooperation between Tajikistan and Pakistan began at a special meeting of the heads of state and continued at an expanded meeting with the participation of delegations of both sides.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon welcomed the distinguished guest – Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif and the official delegation of this country to Tajikistan.

“We consider the commercial and economic opportunities of Pakistan, its geostrategic position and its influence in the South Asian region and the Islamic world to be very important. Therefore, we are interested in strengthening and expanding our cooperation with the brotherly country of Pakistan”, – the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon emphasized at the beginning of the meeting.

During the meeting, the activities of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission on commercial, economic, scientific and technical cooperation and a set of issues related to the comprehensive expansion of trade and economic ties between Tajikistan and Pakistan were discussed.

In this context, the parties expressed their intention to further expand relations in the fields of trade, investment, transport, energy, various sectors of industry, including light and food industry, mining and agriculture.

Also, in order to enhance other aspects of cooperation, it was considered necessary to hold a meeting of joint working groups on oil and gas, energy, Joint Business Council, Tajikistan-Pakistan Business Forum and to establish a Joint Council of shipping companies of the two countries.

While discussing issues of cooperation in the field of energy, the parties called the timely implementation of the CASA-1000 project a real link among the countries of the Central and South Asian regions.

In the continuation of the meeting, the issue of access to international transport corridors and world ports, especially the roads and seaports of Pakistan, was discussed, and the parties paid great attention to the implementation of the projects connecting the two friendly countries through roads and railways.

The development of bilateral cooperation in the field of logistics and consideration of the possibilities of establishing logistics centers in one of the regions of southern Tajikistan and northern Pakistan was considered beneficial.

Expansion of relations in the fields of science and education, allocation of scholarships for students, development of cultural and humanitarian relations and healthcare were other issues of top-level negotiations.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on the disturbing process of destabilization of the world situation, the weakening of the international and regional security system, and the fight against transnational threats and dangers.

Satisfaction was voiced over the continuous cooperation between Tajikistan and Pakistan in the framework of international and regional organizations.

Gratitude was expressed to the friendly country of Pakistan for its constant support of important initiatives of Tajikistan in the field of water and climate.

In the course of the meeting and negotiations of the highest level between Tajikistan and Pakistan, there was also a fruitful discussion on other important issues of mutual interest.

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Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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11:31, February 10, 2025
temperature icon 3°C
Humidity 87 %
Pressure 1023 mb
Wind 9 mph
Wind Gust: 0 mph