Today, the website of the Committee for Tourism Development has been officially launched in a new edition using a new form and design, as well as improving important information and advertising displays.
This site was developed based on the cooperation of experienced programming specialists from Somon Technology LLC.
When editing the site by experts, significant changes were made, and through this site visitors can get acquainted with all areas of tourism activity in the Republic of Tajikistan.
In particular, the windows “Changes in weather conditions online”, “Changes in exchange rates online”, a separate window “Latest news”, “Useful links”, tourism statistics and infrastructure indicators of the tourism industry have been introduced. Users, especially foreign tourists, are considered useful.
At the same time, in the “Acts” item of the main menu, regulatory legal acts of the tourism sector, the State Register of Tourism Service Providers of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Tourism Development Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan are presented. updated for the period until 2030.
The site has been prepared in 3 languages, including English, Russian and Tajik, additional information will be published in 3 languages.