Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan


Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region GBAO was founded in January 1925 by the decision of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. The Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region borders on Kyrgyzstan in the north, China in the east and Afghanistan in the southwest. The territory of the region is 64,200 kilometers (or 44.5% of the territory of Tajikistan). The […]

General information

REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN The capital city is Dushanbe Geographical location – The Republic of Tajikistan is situated in the southeastern part of Central Asia. The area is 142,600 km². Population – 10 million people (as of 07/23/2022) National currency – Somoni Tajikistan shares a border with Uzbekistan (1,322.9 km) in the northwest, Kyrgyzstan (987 km) […]

Tourist routes

TOURIST ROUTES  AND TOURIST SPOTS Tourist routes – in 2020 Quantity Name of the route 12 routes 5500th anniversary celebration of the ancient Sarazm town in the Zarafshan Valley 13 routes Tourist sites of Mountainous-Badakhshan Autonomous Region 3 routes Baljuvon and Khovaling districts 13 routes recreational areas of Norak, Dangara, Vose, Shahritus, Kulob, Khovaling, Baljuvan, […]

Types of tourism

TYPE OF TOURISM IN TAJIKISTAN Sport and mountaineering ecological Альпинистский коммерческий учебно-воспитательный паломнический Исторический, спортивный гурӯҳӣ гастрономический презентационный Научно-просветительский Охота и рыболовство транзитный рекреационно-лечебный семейный астрономический деловой приключенческий сельский Социальный агрономический В целом 21 вид ВИДЫ ТУРИЗМА ПО РЕГИОНАМ Виды туризма Место реализации Примечание Спортивно-альпинистский Варзоб,Пенджикент, Айнӣ, Шаҳринав, Турсунзаде, Вахдат ва Гиссар, Сафеддара, Артуч, Хафткул, […]